When Are The Statutory Holidays In Canada 2023?

When are the statutory holidays in Canada in 2023? You would think that would be a simple question to answer.

Unfortunately, Canadian holidays aren’t straightforward. For example, we have federal statutory holidays in Canada which apply to federal workers, and provincial statutory holidays in Canada which apply to most other workers. To make things worse, the federal and provincial holiday dates are sometimes different for any particular holiday period. That is why we have added a simple chart for you to print.

Statutory Holidays in Canada 2023?

Most job sectors in Canada are regulated by the provincial government, so these sectors will observe provincial statutory holidays. Employees in jobs that are regulated federally will observe federal statutory holidays.

The table below lists Canada’s federal and provincial statutory holidays for 2022.

Chart Of Statutory Holidays In Canada For 2023
Statutory Holidays Canada 2023

When And What Is Discovery Day In Canada?

Discovery Day is a provincial holiday celebrated in Canada to commemorate the discovery of gold in Bonanza Creek, Yukon in 1896. It is celebrated on the third Monday in August and is also known as Klondike Gold Discovery Day.

In Newfoundland and Labrador, Discovery Day is observed on the Monday nearest to June 24th and commemorates John Cabot’s discovery of Newfoundland in 1497. It is NOT a statutory holiday.

When Is Good Friday 2023?

Good Friday always falls on the Friday before Easter Sunday, and Easter Monday is on the Monday after Easter. However, the dates for Easter Sunday are a little more difficult to work out.

You first need to find out when the first full moon is after March 21st of that year. Easter is then on the first Sunday after this full moon. It can fall anywhere between March 22nd and April 25th.

In 2023 Good Friday will be celebrated on April 7th.

Good Friday is celebrated throughout the country, but Easter Monday is only a holiday for federal workers and those in Quebec and the North West Territories. In Alberta, the holiday is optional.

When Is Victoria Day 2023?

Canadians observe Victoria Day on the Monday before May 25th, and in 2023, this will be Monday May 22nd. All provinces and territories celebrate the holiday except Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and the Prince Edward Islands. In these three provinces, only federal workers will receive a day off.

When Is Canada Day 2023?

Canada Day is normally celebrated on July 1st. However, if the first falls on a Sunday, most provinces will observe this holiday on Monday, July 2nd. It is one of a handful of holidays that are celebrated in all provinces and territories of Canada. In 2023 Canada Day is on Saurday, July 1st.

When Is Thanksgiving Day In Canada 2023?

Thanksgiving Day in Canada is always celebrated on the second Monday in October, which falls on Monday October 9th in 2022. It shouldn’t be confused with US Thanksgiving, which is celebrated later in the year on the 4th Thursday in November.

The thanksgiving holiday is observed by all provinces and territories, with the exceptions of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and the Prince Edward Islands.

When Is Remembrance Day Canada 2022?

Remembrance Day is observed annually by Commonwealth countries on November 11th. In 2023 this day falls on a Saturday. Remembrance Day is a federal holiday and is celebrated in all provinces and territories with the exceptions of Ontario and Quebec.

Women Celebrates Labour Day Wrapped In Canadian Flat Looking At A Lake Statutory Holidays In Canada
Statutory Holidays In Canada

What is the February 21st holiday in Canada?

In Canada, February 21 is a holiday known as Family Day. This holiday was created in 2008 in the province of Alberta and has since been adopted by other provinces, including Ontario and Saskatchewan. On this day, families can spend time together and enjoy various activities. Some popular Family Day activities include attending local festivals, going for hikes or nature walks, and visiting museums or art galleries. Whatever activity you choose to do, Family Day is a great opportunity to spend quality time with your loved ones.

How many holidays does Canada have?

Canada has six national holidays: New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Victoria Day, Canada Day, and Thanksgiving. In addition, there are a number of provincial and territorial holidays. For example, Quebec has the Fete de la Saint-Jean-Baptiste (St. John the Baptist Day), and Ontario has Family Day.

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